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Hotel La Perla del capo ***

Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo 102
18014 Ospedaletti (IM)
info@hotellaperladelcapo .com
+39 0184 199 33 75
Vat :

 Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo 102
 18014 Ospedaletti (IM)




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info@hotellaperladelcapo.com  +39 0184 199 33 75

Sanremo via roma

La classicissima gara ciclistica che apre la stagione ufficiale del ciclismo mondiale. Tutti i corridori del mondo vorrebbero vincere questa gara dal fascino intramontabile. Occasione per trascorrere un sereno week-end di inizio primavera.

Milan – San Remo Bike Race
The extremely prestigious classic cycling race that opens the Official Cycling Season.
All riders throughout the world train to participate in this historical race to contend for the winner’s Trophy. A unique and memorable occasion to kick-off the beginning of Spring

Milano Sanremo

La très prestigieuse course cycliste classique qui ouvre la saison cycliste officielle. Tous les coureurs du monde voudraient gagner cette course qui a un charme intemporel. Occasion pour un week-end paisible au début du printemps

Milan Sanremo-Radrennen
Der klassische Rad-Wettkampf eroeffnet das Radrennen. Alle Strassenrennfahrer der Welt, wollen dieses fastzienierende Rennen gewinnen. Eine Moeglichkeit fuer ein unterhaltsames Wochenende zum Fruehlingsbeginn

Милан – Сан-Ремо.
«La classicissima» - это престижная велосипедная гонка, которая открывает официальный сезон соревнований по велоспорту. Все гонщики мира хотели бы победить в этой, полной вневременного очрования, гонке. Она может стать поводом для прекрасных выходных в начале весны.

Codice Citr 008039-ALB-0003
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

"Information obligations for public disbursements received by the company La Perla del Capo Srl, tax code 01699190086: state aid and de minimis aid received from our company are contained in the national register of state aid referred to in article 52 of the L. 234/2012 to which we postpone and available at the following link https://www.rn.gov.it/registronazionazionaletraSparenza/faces/pages/trasparenzaaiuto.jspx
"Information obligations for public disbursements received by the company Le Rocce del Capo Srl, tax code 00976470088: State aid and de minimis aid received from our company are contained in the national register of state aid referred to in article 52 of the L . 234/2012 to which you can refer and available at the following link https://www.rn.gov.it/registronazionazionaletraSparenza/faces/pages/trasparenzaaiuto.jspx

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